CARPIT: 40+ Χρόνια Εμπειρίας στις ανοξείδωτες κατασκευές

ένας ακόμη λόγος που μας εμπιστεύονται οι μεγαλύτεροι του κλάδου.

Unit reduction machines (cheese-vats) for the production of traditional feta cheese P-1000


-With a funnel for the smooth exit of the curd.

-With a fitting for the separation of the whey from the curd.

-With a set of cutting tools.

-With a perforated sieve for the exit of whey.

With rectangular design for the improvement of the quality of traditional feta cheese, and for larger manufacture

Relying on a stainless steel base - by itself or in series

manufactured according to the requirements of the production procedure


CARPIT Γαλακτοκομικά και Τυροκομικά Μηχανήματα, Μηχανήματα παρασκευής Τροφίμων, Ανοξείδωτες Κατασκευές